Taffy Tango
Taffy Tango is an 18" x 18" alkyd oil painting on birch woood panel and is part of the Tasty Treat series. Comes framed in a white floater frame. Comes signed with a letter of authenticity.
Prices do not reflect any additional shipping costs for larger paintings.
Shipping and Returns
Care Instructions
Shipping & Return Policy:
Please allow up to 15 business days, for processing and shipping, for your package to be mailed. If you need expedited shipping please contact me directly via email at Jhillfineart@gmail.com.
Please choose your treasures wisely. Due to the delicate nature of original works and art prints, I generally do not accept returns. However, if you receive your package and are not happy with it, please contact me and we will find a solution.
In the very sad event of shipping damage, please contact me directly at Jhillfineart@gmail.com ASAP to arrange a refund or replacement of the damaged item. You will be asked to provide photos of the damaged packaging and product for insurance purposes before a refund is issued, so please don't throw the piece or the packaging away!